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Picking the Right Playground Grass for Children’s “Turf”

Children take their playground areas very seriously. We all had our favorite playgrounds growing up, and today’s kids certainly have theirs. Now that we’re the adults in this situation, it is our collective responsibility to create fun and appealing playgrounds for the next generation. And, as adults, we also want to outfit them with safe, durable and low-maintenance materials, such as artificial turf used as playground grass.

That’s where ForeverLawn KC can help. Our playground grass experts can help you find the right artificial turf that’ll surpass your expectations. More importantly, our recommendation for your playground project will pass kids’ hopes.

Let’s start off easy with an overview. ForeverLawn KC has four playground grass products, each with a unique profile.

Playground Grass Ultra uses lightly-textured polyethylene blades with a textured nylon thatch zone to create a full, dense and safe ground. The fullness comes from the construction, and the additional safety is a result of the AlphaSan® antimicrobial and XStatic™ anti-static technology.

Playground Grass Academy’s highly durable construction combines taller XP blades with the natural appearing tan thatch to provide ultimate realism. The tan thatch also results in the "hide and hold" feature related to infill.

Playground Grass Extreme is the product that started it all. Made up of two types of blades, it incorporates high durability and realism in one quality product. A combination of straight and curled blades fill out the grass and reduce infill flyout.

Playground Grass Discovery is best for unique indoor environments where smaller children play. This grass is as durable as playground grass comes. Soft XP fibers, constructed in a short, dense product (with a thatch) means there is no need for infill.

ForeverLawn KC’s entire line of playground grass:

  • Has patented, exclusive antimicrobial technology

  • Includes anti-Static technology in the blades

  • Is IPEMA certified

  • Comes with superior premium backing

  • Is backed by industry-leading, 10-year warranty

  • Falls under responsible landscaping

  • Is LEED approved

  • Is ADA compliant

  • Provides superior safety, certified up to 13' critical fall height and HIC G-Max ratings at 8' surpass ASTM standards by over 60%

Which Artificial Turf Works Best for Your Playground Project?

Answering this key question depends on answering other important questions about your playground.

What pile height will feel best underfoot for intended users? Typically, taller piles are used for playgrounds because it’s softer and has more cushion.

How and when will it be installed? Playground grass is available in tiles and rolls. Tiles are easier to install (and move later) around playground equipment that is already installed. With rolls, more ground is covered more quickly, especially if equipment isn’t installed yet.

Is it an inside or an outside playground? For indoor playgrounds designed for younger kids, Playground Grass Discovery is best. Other factors can come into play though, so our artificial turf experts will be invaluable choosing the best option.

What height is the playground equipment and what are the fall risk from the tallest heights? ForeverLawn KC’s playground grass’s ratings surpass ASTM standards by more than 60%, which makes it a superior choice for no-brainer safety.

What is your budget? Total cost takes into consideration the playground grass type, fill and installation based on the size of the area.

Is Artificial Turf the Best Option for Your Playground?

Granted, the ForeverLawn KC team is biased, but the facts, the results and the benefits all point to yes. Yes, artificial turf is the best option on the market for your playground. You don’t have to take our experts’ word for it.

Here are a few reasons why…

  1. Playground grass doesn’t become compacted or get bare spots like wood chips, pebbles and sand, making it a safer shock absorber.

  2. Unlike wood chips, pebbles and sand, artificial turf means fewer cuts, splinters and scrapes for kids who are very likely to fall.

  3. Playground grass helps make a playground inclusive and ADA-compliant since other surfaces are difficult to maneuver mobility aids around.

  4. Our playground grass exceeds ATSM requirements, yet gives you the look of real grass.

  5. Parents rejoice! Real grass equals mud. Playground grass equals no mud. Enough said.

  6. Playground grass delivers exceptional drainage, keeping your playground free of puddles so kids can go out and play even if it just rained.

  7. Artificial turf may need to be cleaned on occasion, but you can say good bye to watering, mowing and weeding, which slashes maintenance work and costs.

  8. High durability and nylon construction mean playground grass looks better far longer than other ground surfaces, and it lasts longer than even rubber or pour-in-place materials.

Not convinced yet? Watch a video of Jason Cameron explaining the benefits of ForeverLawn’s playground grass.

Let’s Face It, Kids Can be Kind of Gross so Antimicrobial Properties are a Huge Bonus

Sneezing. “Accidents.” Throwing up. Cuts and scrapes. Gross happens. Playground Grass Ultra has antimicrobial properties, so bacteria growth is inhibited. The more antimicrobial action is released as the blades wear.

Playground Grass is ForeverLawn KC’s “Turf”

Our playground grass experts can talk about the benefits of artificial turf all day, and show plenty of playgrounds in our project portfolio. Contact ForeverLawn KC for more information on the benefits of artificial grass. We’ll guide you through all the questions about your playground to land on the right artificial grass.


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